2010: Joseph, Emma & others witness of 2 Parallel organizations to the Church
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For an audio Introduction Session Click Here.
Health is simple. Learning to listen within first...then allow yourself to be guided when Eating whole foods. Nuts, seeds, grains, and vegetables that are living.
When Living foods go in the body- LIFE comes out. When dead foods or overly cooked foods go in - death or illness and pain come out.
Living foods are raw foods, meaning they have not been cooked over 130 degrees, and therefore they still have all the natural vital enzymes in them. Once you heat above 115 or 130 degrees, depending on who you talk to, you kill off the living enzymes which help your body digest the food.
Food preparation becomes a shift to soaking, sprouting or dehydration. Dehydration is one of the oldest forms of storage, where heating stays below 130F. Soaking seeds and grains are a skill almost lost in today's world. Wonderful foods can be made without overly cooking them.
Medicinal herbs and foods can help the body heal - feeding areas of weakness or nutritional starvation.
Learn to listen to the navel area of the body. Which foods bring strength or life and inner peace...and which foods make us sleepy or depressed - or perhaps stressed and anxious. Growing in our ability to learn both spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally is powerfully revealed in this work and will increase your capacity to receive revelation, ancestors ministering , an other hidden treasures.
Some of he Alta Vista Education Center Video Sessions are below
Food, Listening within and Health
Supplies in Utah of living foods production supplies Click here .
Growing Microgreens at home. (super good video)
A Raw Family: A spiritual Journey
Super easy home made nut or seed milk.
What strengthens the immune system
Coronavirus and added resources. and more simple foods
Dr. Christophers: An herbalist in every home.
Dr. Christophers Antiplague formula - given by revelation. Hear his story.
Careers in Plant Based nutrition
"The biggest lies are the ones that have a little truth." ~Dr. Campbell, Food Choices. The opposite of living foods, would be lifeless foods, depleted foods or what some scriptures may call "dust."
food medicine
My father in law, a leading physicist from Stanford involved in the development of the cancer machine, invited me to tour the linear accelerator one day. I had contemplated a degree at Berkeley in physics, but decided on a more practical everyday career in facility management and energy management.
Karl (Brown) shared with me how they have identified something within all elements. In addition to protons and nuetrons, they found something they called chi, an energy field in all particles that networks somehow intelligently with other particles.
In writing Karls history, I reflected on his commitment to a 24-7 career, but found that his best and key ideas came when he was on vacation, relaxing from the stress of daily work. Karl's work is used worldwide in cancer machines.
As he has passed on, I have to ask, is there a simple way to avoid cancer or empower our bodies to avoid it or have strong immune systems that do not allow the cancer genes to be enabled. See this interesting link from THE CHINA STUDY.. PRINCIPLE #4
Genes do not determine disease on their own. Genes function only by being activated, or expressed, and nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed.
From Ra Living
The US department of Agriculture doesn't test for residue levels of GLYPHOSATE (the active ingredient in Roundup) Glyphosate has a distinct label of being "the most heavily used agricultural chemical in the history of the world" Since 1976 1.8 million tons of Glyphosate has been used on crops and two thirds of that amount have been applied in just the last decade.
The combination of POLYETHOXGLATED TALLOWAMONE (POEA) (an inhert ingredient added to formulations of Glyphosate) is especially dangerous. Damaging our DNA even when diluted to concentrations that are 450 fold lower than what is used on crops.
Causing Develometal disorders, hormone disruptions, reproductive disorders, neurotoxic disorders and is a carcinogenic.
Glyphosate can't be washed off. Affecting the kidneys and Liver killing beneficial Stomach Bacteria.
The good NEWS is we can detox from it! Talk to your local plant farmers and ask about their growing practices. A lot can't afford the Organic label but may not be using dangerous herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides. Or buy ORGANIC! Health is Wealth! Start detoxing by utilizing Nettle Seed Tea detoxing your kindneys and Liver!
Here is a list of the most heavily sprayed foods!
-Dried beans, peas, lentils (legumes)
-Barley, Buckwheat, Millet, Oats, Rice, Rye, Wheat.
-Seed Oil: Sunflower, Cottenseed, Canola
Green beans, Pumpkin, Plums, Snap Peas, Blueberries, Potatoes, Hot peppers, Kale, Collard Greens, Celery, Corn
Cherries, Pears, Soybean, Chickpeas, Almonds,Grapes, Lemons, Oranges, Walnuts.
I believe that health is Wealth and that we can only be our best at our best. One Love Fam!
Copyright © 2017 Simple Living Centers -Copyright Disclacreatngreatngurnder section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 Short film clips are under Fair Use Copyright Laws for Educaitonal Purposes. No funds are charged for this website education tools . Some products are found in links, but no funding from sales comes to myself. Links or videos are not to suggest endorsement of any organizations, religions, or individuals associated with them. For more information email davidcassani1@mac.com or 913 250 8578 This website is to provide resources for creating healthier lifesytles, and for producing healthy food in the home and locally with two or thee other families. It is not intended to replace your responsibility to use professional medical services when needed.
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