2010: Joseph, Emma & others witness of 2 Parallel organizations to the Church
David Cassani 913 250 8578 davidcassani1@mac.com
2010: Joseph, Emma & others witness of 2 Parallel organizations to the Church
David Cassani 913 250 8578 davidcassani1@mac.com
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We learn about the two great commandments and how they relate to our temples of learning. Layers of this understanding come in the temple, like pieces of a puzzle fitting for this latter day work. We can learn about these centers by developing inner wisdom and be ministered to by ancestors or directly from divinity. Within each center, we can learn how to command, let go, and ask for the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ to help us- as we have complete emotional honesty with God.
Could the Savior being hinting a symbolic language.... the political kingdom of God and the ecclesiastic Kingdom of God, "hang" like arms from the center. What is key to understanding this center? The Kingdom of God "within"--- a kingdom within, connected to God and all the goodness of the earth. A Kingdom we can find when we consecrate our all and let go of the world. A Kingdom when we connect to it, feeds us as God feeds the birds. Without inner consciousness or centered in each of the seven living centers...all systems or Kingdoms can fall into false worship, a ritual religion or ways of men - trying to manipulate the systems of man, often justifying unrighteous behavior with righteous goals.. Learn how the two great commandments are key to what is within each of us.
All we need comes as we trust in the Present and Presence of divine guidance. Asking, listening and moment by moment guidance can come when we are open to it. As we learn and listen and do more and more light comes. If we needaded witnessess ask. or wait for them. Questions we might ask. Simple things as what living foods does my body need to heal, what is the highest good for me right now. How can I love God or serve the universe best right now. Are we living in the future - driven by fear or are we in the present? Are we turned off to deeper meaningful purpose? We can find purpose now, each moment. What comes we we simple reflect on this center, clear ourselves and receive? This center may be turned off when we live in fear of receiving NOW or live in the future or past. When we try to control oucomes we may be in fear of letting what is needed unfold and letting ourselves learn new lessons.
Our ears, nose, mouth and eyes can receive truth if we ask and desire truth. Command the ears, nose and month to listen to truth, The mouth to speak only truth. Are we driven by fears and the need to control or speak falsehoods for gain or to impress? Are we open to all truth? Are issues of hearing, eye sight, or smell related to some lesson we need to learn? Are we open to receiving all truth and removing the pride the keeps us back from growth? Inspired questions can foster our ability to learn and influence health in these areas of our body.
Do the neck and mouth area have emotions of peace or anxiety? What health issues do we have in these areas? What lessons do we need to learn. This area deals with choices between a higher will or a selfish or fear based will. Are we seeking to speak up for those we need? Are we seeking a higher will and purpose aligned with the other centers? Are we in fear and survival - seeking only our own needs and not a higher good?
check out some film clips on such choices. Click here.
The area extends from the heart to the arms. Are we open to receiving a divine love and how we can serve others or connect with others in truth? Are we blocking love, and unable to feel, numb or turned off because of painful memories. The divine can help us heal the heart and find forgiveness for others, even be open to helping those who are our enemies begin a process of healing - as we listen to them with love. The divine power of love works through these centers of intelligence and light.
Honoring self. Do we listen to our gut feeling about things? What is the message - what is the lesson. If we are considering foods, how do we feel 15 minutes after eat a food ...sleepy, awake, sick? Or stressed or anxious What living foods does my body want. Do we tell others what foods to eat or honor them and ask them and help them consider their feeling or revelation.
As we learn about the seven centers - we can see the scriptures through a new light, read them differently, see the divine nature in others in new ways, learn to empathize and trust in the divine patterns of growth designed in each of us from our creators.
In 2010, to carry out this work, the spirit took me to the other side and I was show the endowment symbolism was simple. Seek to understand the simple messages - often hidden in symbolism. Seek, ask and receive what simplicity the Lord is willing to reveal to you as it pertains to this revealed work for our day. There are a some aspects of the endowment we do not talk about, but much can be learned by symbolism. Symbolism is a language of our divine creators and respects our agency and others. We need not fear this great experience, and can come to learn learn personally what we can share and not share.
In 1999 when finishing graduate work at BYU, I asked what I was to teach at this education center the spirit guided me to build. I was told to prepare a curriculum of health for parents to teach ...patterned after the creation - to help parents prepare their youth for the temple. The impression followed that this was to be taught simply with the hand. I thought... that was not my stewardship but the Church's, and set that impression aside thinking this meant physical temples. It was not until 2015, that I received clarity (added witnesses) on how to teach health. Clarity came ....line upon line. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint's mission is in teaching the simple principles of salvation .... and pointing us to a higher work - hinted of in the temple As the Saints could not receive all the Lord wanted to give them, a future work - or parallel work of Simple Living Centers was foreseen to come for our temporal salvation, and path to living in the presence of God. I suggest a study of Isaiah with this website, Seven steps or seven simple living centers were revealed to help us increase our capacity to receive revelation and be directed personally-daily from the divine. This is both a political movement and connection to the full nature of Godliness within ourselves.
When I was taken to the other sided and shown the endowment was made simple, I realized how complexity was our test. The seven centers can be simple... an Adamic like language where body and soul connect, where words and emotions connect, where daily needs and revelation become a reality of living in the present . Fear of the future falls away as we learn to live in the present moment, and the past and the future influences are seen.
The entire culture of Josephs time may have lacked the language of emotional health. Jospeh may have had a difficult time putting into words what this Living Constitution was within each of us, or our Simple Living Centers as we are told to call them in our day. In each center there is a souls map....tests of consciousness, laws of life to discover, and gifts of strength and inner peace.
I started to feel a gratitude for challenges or difficulties with this work. As we are learning to trust divine guidance designed within us... or better stated - develop a language to express the divinity within the seven centers - we can bridge the heavens and earthly societies into one. We can discover what education means ....that is "to bring forth from within." both our selves and others.
Teaching with the Hand (pdf)
DownloadAs we learn of the Kingdom of God within. . . . we can learn to trust that all we need will come. This is about preparing our temples to be temples of learning, revelation and connection with all we need. Can our work of temple attendance become distorted? Seek for simple answers to what we are doing in temples today? The Book of Mormon states the Gospel is plain and simple. Ask, seek, search, be open to receive what the Lord wants to give us.
Letting go of the world and trusting in another way. A test of our time.
Are animals symbols of some of our emotions?
We have so much to learn from China's history
Health is central
The ability to strengthen our immune system is vital
For our entire bodies strength
Enduring power or strength is related to the proper use authority
Influencing this and future generations
Here on earth and for our ancestors progression in heaven.
College learning can take a new level of research with combined reflection on the seven centers, journaling, and ministering we receive as part of our journey of learning and service. Courses from any university can be part of this work, or individual projects related to this mission. We hope to develop a way for students to work throug
College learning can take a new level of research with combined reflection on the seven centers, journaling, and ministering we receive as part of our journey of learning and service. Courses from any university can be part of this work, or individual projects related to this mission. We hope to develop a way for students to work through their educations without debt, or better yet, making some income.
Education is the foundation of any democracy. Become engaged students. As students set up project councils, each student may work with two counselors, one from the community, and one from a religious setting. This fullness or whole approach to learning often takes on a sense of personal mission.
"You start with a problem that you may no
Education is the foundation of any democracy. Become engaged students. As students set up project councils, each student may work with two counselors, one from the community, and one from a religious setting. This fullness or whole approach to learning often takes on a sense of personal mission.
"You start with a problem that you may not know how to solve, but you know there are certain rules you can follow and certain approaches you can take, and often during this process, the intermediate result is more complex than what you started with, and then the final result is simple. And there’s a certain joy in making that journey" (Stephe Randolph).
Students can develop their curriculum with heavens assistance, and customized there careers to preparations for the second coming, and another way of life. Many discover their work or contracts made before this life - regarding this life. As tests in each center of life are recognized and passed, we each are on a individualize journey of life - eternal life.
See how this video is missing simple key details to understanding the Kingdom of God within. Lacking this concept --- many may fall into an approach that often leads to teaching some external form of moral authority, when moral guidance is designed within each of us, when we learn to command each center of life or listen to how each center connects with other centers. For example - Jesus said to love God with all our hearts. We actually do that by praying and receiving God's love in our hearts or our 4th center of life.
Conference 2020 Elder Christofferson or a 1981 Conference talk on Our Strength coming from the Kingdom within. Click here.
Simple Living Centers (pdf)
DownloadConsider what has been revealed regarding the Kingdom of God within each of us.
Copyright © 2017 Simple Living Centers -Copyright Disclacreatngreatngurnder section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 Short film clips are under Fair Use Copyright Laws for Educaitonal Purposes. No funds are charged for this website education tools . Some products are found in links, but no funding from sales comes to myself. Links or videos are not to suggest endorsement of any organizations, religions, or individuals associated with them. For more information email davidcassani1@mac.com or 913 250 8578 This website is to provide resources for creating healthier lifesytles, and for producing healthy food in the home and locally with two or thee other families. It is not intended to replace your responsibility to use professional medical services when needed.
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