2010: Joseph, Emma & others witness of 2 Parallel organizations to the Church
David Cassani 913 250 8578 davidcassani1@mac.com
2010: Joseph, Emma & others witness of 2 Parallel organizations to the Church
David Cassani 913 250 8578 davidcassani1@mac.com
Signed in as:
near the time of my mission to Washington DC (76-78) I attended a talk where the speaker was revealed before the talk that a man whose name was like the "House of David" & that he would start a worldwide movement when traveling from one state to another; a movement to bring people back to the simple ways of life
In 2010 while on vacation to California from my job at the Utah Capitol, I felt the presence of Joseph, Emma & many others. I was given 2 new names of organizations- Simple Living Centers - the new name for the "Kingdom of God" within us, & Habitat for Health, the new name for the "Political Kingdom of God.
This website is the continuation of the Alta Vista Education Center, where the Kingdom of God within us was revealed to me in the year 2000 and how the role of God's end time servant was revealed. This Center operated from 1997 to 2004 in Provo and Orem Utah, t hen from about 2014 to 2023 online.
A few Key Events in the Ongoing Restoration
for the vision in more detail ....see simplelivingcenter.com
1.0 For our First 2023 update -be prepared to consider a message that is out of the box,....or as one Isaiah scholar says,
God's end time servant will bring a message to those of the covenant - spiritual kings and queens, a message "which had not been told them" and "which they had not heard" (A. Gileadi: How Isaiah Impacts Gospel Theology page 1)
-I came across Dr. Gileadi's work around 2014. ...and felt like two pieces of a puzzle were fitting together. Hear is some background regarding a Davidic servant in the last days.
Before 1990, it was generally taught in the Church of a latterday David figure to come before the second coming. One of the apostles changed that when he published that - that idea was a "heresy." After that academia followed suit- leading to Dr. Gleadi's excommunication in 1993. (see "How Isaiah Impacts Gospel Theology". page 63-64 by Dr. Gileadi. )
Dr. Gileadi did not fight the Church but presented his case to Elder Maxwell several years later, resulting in his excommunication being canceled without any change in his position or academic conclusion. A commentary on Dr. Gileadi's work and Isaiah came be followed up at this link. More recently in Nov. of 2023 the Isaiah Instotite made the following statement.
2.0 Another update is about a confirming witness that came in 2016, I was told by Sister White, an elderly women I baptized near the end of my mission in 1978, that the spirit revealed to her that I would be in a role like our prophet and apostles to lead a worldwide work, but not in the Church. I entirely forgot this experience , then this Sister came to me years later in 2016 - from the spirit world, in her prime - to remind me of this worldwide mission.Soon after that I was repreatedly prompted to proclaim this work to Endowed members worldwide. This came while living in Taiwan.
David. Cassani
3.0 Update Easter 2023 "Clarity coming regarding a Women's Church"
Click here for April 6, 2023 messages to the Relief Society.
4.0 Baptisms for Health were practiced in Nauvoo in 1841, at times baptizing by immersion seven times. (see page 80 of link) I received a witness this baptism was into the Church of the First Born The first baptism for Health since this restoration of all things was for 10 year old girl who decided on her own a age 8 - that she did not want to live a life that contributed to the killing and eating of animals. Check this out in more detail at this link.
The new economy is coming . Click here.i
What has been revealed regarding Zion Communities ...
Click here (coming)
Click here for Alta Vista Sessions.
Start here -The Souls Journey - Sessions 1 , 2, and 3.
Listen to a short audio Introduction here. about 8 minutes
For an Extended Introduction - 6 Sessions - about 10 minutes each click here 1 2 3 4 5 6
More recently in about 2020, a Sister (Rachel Aliling) from the Philipines came to me. I had worked with her while in a bishopric in Hayward California when she was Relief Society President in about 1986. She had a PHD in nutrition and had dedicated much of her life to improviing health. It appears her work continues in the afterlife. She came to me from the spirit world (as she passed away in abt 1997) and was dressed in her temple clothes and entered my room with a message. The message was to teach this message of health and community to those in China without using any reference to God or Church.
That work is being developed on another website called soulmap.life. Feedback to improve and translate that site would be appreciated
Some Background for Historians reading this.
One of Joseph Smith’s novel concepts was that the knowledge of God was conveyed in the days of Adam with a pure language and that this pure language would be again restored to faithful Saints in the future. With the aid of scribes, Joseph even prepared “a sample of pure language” in March 1832.[22] “Smith worried over the limits of human language for his entire career, perhaps for most of his conscious life. Words notoriously deceived and obfuscated; foreign languages acted as barriers separating peoples. Words often failed Smith himself, who too frequently felt that he could not adequately express the revelations he experienced. . . . Smith saw the language beyond language spoken in Eden as the solution to such failings.”[23] W. W. Phelps, who often discussed this language of Eden with Joseph Smith, indicated that the Lord would “return to them [the faithful] a pure language, that they might call upon him with one consent.”[24] Both Smith and Phelps strongly believed that once the pure language was restored, revelations would come forth more abundantly.
[22] JSP, MRB:264–65.
[23] Samuel Morris Brown, “The Language of Heaven: Prolegomenon to the Study of Smithian Translation,” Journal of Mormon History 38, no. 3 (Summer 2012): 51–71. The quotation comes from pp. 54–55. Brent Lee Metcalfe discusses the same subject in his “Newly Discovered Copies of JS’s Adamic Q&A,” found online at http://www.mormonstudiespodcast.com/newly-discovered-copies-of-jss-adamic-qa/. Both Brown and Metcalfe bring W. W. Phelps into the picture as a collaborator with Joseph Smith in seeking after this “pure language of Eden.”
Teaching with the 17 points on the hand (below). ... --is a latter day language to increase our capacity to receive revelation , to engage in the work of turning the hearts of the Children to the Fathers and the Fathers to the Children. .unifying our heats and helping to bring us back to Paradasical conditions.
Dave . Cassani 4/12,2023
Pieces of History start to make sense with this website. Click here - see page 80
Joseph’s repeated baptism of Emma also foreshadowed the practice of immersing individuals seven times when baptizing f"or health". Scholars say....."While there is no explicit extant explanation for the seven-fold baptism, it is likely derived from the biblical account of Elisha bidding Namaan to wash seven times in the Jordan. Various Christian groups have practiced baptism by trine immersion,39+however, multiple immersions are associated only with baptism for health in the Mormon liturgy. "
Overview Power Point (pptx)
DownloadWeek One - Opposites Power Point (pptx)
DownloadWeek 2 Charity Power Point (pptx)
DownloadWeek 3-Peace Joy Trust Power Point (pptx)
DownloadWeek 4 Part 1 Simple Living Centers A (pptx)
DownloadWeek 4 Part 1 Simple Living Centers B (pptx)
DownloadWeek 5 Power Point (1) (pptx)
DownloadWeek 6 Family Health Education (pptx)
DownloadWeek 7 Find your work pp (pptx)
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We can receive a little light, often living in more darkness than light. As the political kingdoms have become more complex and economically driven - our international food systems feeds us very low quality of food, processed cook lifeless dust that does little for our body often putting many to sleep or becoming addicted to processed f
We can receive a little light, often living in more darkness than light. As the political kingdoms have become more complex and economically driven - our international food systems feeds us very low quality of food, processed cook lifeless dust that does little for our body often putting many to sleep or becoming addicted to processed foods. The political Kingdom of God was foreseen to come in the last days, to a Davidic servant on this side of the veil -(Ezekiel 34) -working with a John on the other side of the veil. (D and C 93)
In this realm people live in conflict, fighting and competing with one another for their needs.
We can be honest and reflect a higher light, but may be afraid to receive more of the Sun light that is outside of the traditions of men or the Church culture. Honest and good men that receive parts of the Gospel will need to open themselves up to looking beyond the traditions of the Church and truly seek to connect who they are inside wi
We can be honest and reflect a higher light, but may be afraid to receive more of the Sun light that is outside of the traditions of men or the Church culture. Honest and good men that receive parts of the Gospel will need to open themselves up to looking beyond the traditions of the Church and truly seek to connect who they are inside with Gospel living. .
These are those content with doing Good, but clearly to comfortable or afraid to let go of the security of the world and seek a growing relationship with God where change may come.
The Book of Mormon teaches us that the Jews rejected the simple ways of God, so God gave them complexity that they may stumble, then hopefully return to His ways in the future. See Jacob 4. Isaiah indicates that this pattern of rejecting plainness will repeat itself with many Church members in the last days. This is a test, as is the temple experience ..and why the Political Kingdom and Heavenly Church or Church of the First Born is separate from the Church. To pursue a higher way, one needs to get out of dependence on Group thinking and develop a personal relationship with the divine source within as they seek to understand the fullness of the Father and Mother in Heaven.
We can learn and choose to receive all the light, and love our Heavenly Parents want to share....to live the Gospel from our hearts, and to work with our creators in bringing more light to the world. Connecting with the Kingdom of God within, and then the Heavenly Church - brings us a new language, test or opportunities to decide to ope
We can learn and choose to receive all the light, and love our Heavenly Parents want to share....to live the Gospel from our hearts, and to work with our creators in bringing more light to the world. Connecting with the Kingdom of God within, and then the Heavenly Church - brings us a new language, test or opportunities to decide to open ourselves up to all the light heaven has for us - to see all thing coming together.
We can lead others away from fighting, and outward appearances, to a path of peace, a language of cooperation, working together, emotionally listening to one another, creating higher ways of life, and solving problems together.
Learn how the Savior's arm has been revealed and how He gave hints of this fullness in the two great commandments. How there will be three kinds of members of the Church before his coming. and
See how Simple Living Centers or our Living Constitution can be used to build neighborhood temples .
I am given a dream of a 1/4 mile running track, and a small group with a tiny home on wheels being pulled like the pioneers did, The are looking at me. They are 2/3 of the way around the track. closer to the finish line (second coming) and a group is about 1/3 of the track behind them, members of the Church struggling with their health and disabilities but trying. At first President Nelson is sitting parallel to me, myself in the seat in front of him in the stands and then I move to the finish line.
I am given a vision of David And John Christopher in my kitchen. The impression comes to better organize my kitchen to use herbs and whole foods. I feel guided to add his web youtube video to the website.
I highly highly highly recommend the Dr. John Christopher you tube videos.
3 Feb 2023 I listened to the 10th CD of Dr. Christophers Herbal Lectures. He tells how the anti plague formula came to him by revelation and how it has helped so many. Dr. Christopher always reminds his students, that both a mucousless diet AND the herbal formulas work together. If you can not make you own consider Click here.
Joseph Smiths history of the Political Kingdom of God and how it can work today in our neighborhoods. Models of Transition, both economically and educationally as we create Zion Communities. How history of the Church can be seen through a new lens, explaining simply many struggles Church members and leaders would struggle with. Key insights into blacks and the priesthood and polygamy. A realignment of how we see the Church and two other parallel organizations.
Why this work is for mothers to bring to their families.., dealing with children when they are "Firstborn." The Church of the "First born" and how we connect to a higher simple way of life ...learning to listen tho the seven Simple Living Centers .Learn The simple language of life taught with sign language and the hand, How this came about at the Alta Vista Education Center.
I am given a dream of President Nelson on one end of a long tanle leaveing the room to the right door pushing a baby stroller and I working with women on the right and the left one on one. I am reminded this work is not for those still drinking milk. Gileadi calls the work of the Davidic servant a theology, or work most would not have considered, but enablees them to become Kings and Quens or community leaders. (See How Isaiah Impacts Gospel Theology.)
My name is brother David Cassani.
As a simple summary:
Three Parallel Separate Organizations
The Kingdom of God the Savior said "to seek first" and was within us are the seven simple living centers of the b
I believe understanding the Kingdom of God, Jesus said was within us is vital and will help you
Official Statement from the Isaiah Institute
In view of recent false online statements made against the Isaiah Institute, we wish to declare the following:
Prophecies of a Latter-Day David
The Isaiah Institute’s teachings concerning a latter-day David are firmly anchored in the Word of God—as evident in the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others—and not on dreams or personal interpretations. We hold the conviction that the emergence of this anticipated Davidic servant will align with historical and scriptural patterns that serve as a hedge against counterfeits, and that his appearance will occur in the Lord’s own due time.
The Isaiah Institute has consistently maintained that we neither endorse nor encourage individuals to identify as the latter-day David nor validate any claims regarding his identity. We encourage people to search the Word of God for themselves, as all are commanded, and to avoid deception. We emphatically caution everyone against engaging with groups or individuals who profess to be this Davidic servant or who claim knowledge of his identity.
We encourage all to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel of repentance and peace.
Official Church Publications about a Latter-Day David
Question: Have modern prophets, apostles or scholars written officially about a Davidic servant?
Answer: Yes. The following are five such official Church publications:
“Although David was a King he never did obtain the spirit & power of Elijah & the fulness of the Priesthood, & the priesthood that he received & the throne & kingdom of David is to be taken from him & given to another by the name of David in the last days, raised up out of his lineage.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p 339, also Joseph Smith, at the Temple, as recorded by Wilford Woodruff Journal, 10 March 1844, in Words of Joseph Smith, p 331)
“According to the prophets the name of this king shall be David; not the patriarch David who was the son of Jesse; but a literal descendant of his. … Neither will any of the patriarchs act the part of an earthly king; although they will reign with Christ. Indeed, we have no reason to believe that Christ himself will act the part of an earthly king, or priest, to any great extent. … The idea is that the earth will be under the control of Christ and the glorified saints, and Christ will virtually reign over the whole earth, and this David will be subject to him.” (Times and Seasons, Feb 1842 with Joseph Smith as editor)
“Let them know that it is Thy good pleasure to restore the kingdom unto Israel—raise up Jerusalem as its capital, and constitute her people a distinct nation and government, with David Thy servant, even a descendant from the loins of ancient David to be their king.” (Elder Orson Hyde, in his dedicatory prayer on the Mount of Olives, October 24, 1841, History of the Church 4:457)
“King David (c. 1000 B.C.) remains today one of the most renowned Old Testament figures. His personality, spiritual sensitivity, creative abilities, military victories, and leadership carried him to the pinnacle of popularity. He had the potential to become an ideal king... However, prophecy states that a model ruler in the last days will be ‘raised up’ from David’s lineage.” (Encyclopedia of Mormonism, “David: Prophetic Figure of Last Days,” by Victor L, Ludlow, 1992.) https://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/digital/collection/EoM/id/5659
“A new leader named David (a descendant of the ancient King David) is to become a great leader in Israel. Ezekiel prophesies this, and there are additional references in Jeremiah, Isaiah, Hosea, and Zechariah. The Prophet Joseph Smith, only three months before his martyrdom, said: ‘… the throne and kingdom of David is to be taken from him and will be given to another by the name of David in the last days, raised up out of his lineage.’ The great hero of ancient Israel was David, the king of Israel; a new leader with this name will yet come forth.” (DHC, vol. 6, p. 253. Ensign, 1972, The Future of the Holy Land by Daniel H. Ludlow)
Isaiah Institute Disclaimer
The Isaiah Institute exists to teach the tools of literary analysis that enables people to better search the scriptures for themselves and to be guided by personal discoveries therein and by divine inspiration. Although the Isaiah Institute operates independent of any church or religious group, it encourages people in these goals to sustain their ecclesiastical leaders.
The Hebraeus Foundation and Isaiah Institute
Founded in 1990, the Hebraeus Foundation and Isaiah Institute has a board of seven directors plus two legal counsel; 100 plus volunteers; thousands of donors; 4300 plus members in its Facebook Group; a new YouTube channel with 1000 plus subscribers; 300 plus active weekly book discussion participants; outreach programs in Europe and Asia; an Isaiah Explained app; fifteen books in print; translations in 5 languages; ten audiobooks; 3 full-length conferences series; Old Testament and Book of Mormon podcast series; and five websites: www.IsaiahExplained.com; www.BookofMormonIsaiah.com; www.IsaiahInstitute.com; www.IsaiahProphecy.com; www.JosephandJudah.com.
A friend who worked with Governor Huntsman asked me to visit her friend, a previous Bishop .I went to his office at UVU. In handing a one page summary of this work to this past Bishop and key fundraiser at UVU, while just browsing it, he tells me ...oh my... I am receiving revelation. Summer of 2010
An Elderly Sister working at Seagull book learns of this work and says after reading it, her entire life now makes sense. 2014
A economics professor at UVU and past CFO of Provo City, learns of this work as we chat during the July 4th parade. He says he starts receiving revelation regarding D and C. 45 July 4, 2010
A return missionary from Taiwan (Christoper Caldwells says) I've been involved with David and this project since 2012 ...I have a testimony of this work we are engaged in, and have received a personal witness regarding Ezekiel 34:23 and how David Cassani is called to do this work. I cannot impress upon you how many time I have had spiritual impression upon spiritual impression working with David
In 2016, I am guided to take my wife and family to Taiwan to teach Simple Living Centers to those in Taiwan. The Stake Presidents counselors wife tells me .... The Holy Ghost told me to listen to you and have you teach our family. Xihu, Taiwan. 2016-17
I am given a blessing from the Bishop, and after a long pause he says President Monson will help you. This happened in the Spring of 2010 just after receiving the two new names and feeling the presence of Joseph , Emma, and multitudes of Chinese. 3 months after being sent my story, President Monson released in November of 2010, the 3 volumes of minutes of the Political Kingdom of God to the historical department for publication. These records confirm to me the keys to the political kingdom of God lie in emotional integrity, and learning to listen to the Living Constitution within each of us, or our spiritual emotional anatomy. - a work given hints of in the initatory of the temple.
Another counselor in the Bishopric and my home teacher gives me a blessing ...that miracles small and large will come in the work . 2010
How this work can help awaken us, bring realignment to the Church, the unsealing (making plain) the endowment, the unsealing of Isaiah. Clarity on Gender issues. Is your Elders Quorum members asleep?, How can blacks and the priesthood issues now make sense, what about polygamy.? What has been revealed and added to This web site will make sense of many of these issues.
Longer videos 1956 to 2000 2000-2010 2010-2020 Part A 2010-2020
Added topics: The Political Kingdom of God Conference 2020 Rooting out racism. How this makes sense of Blacks and Priesthood, China China Part B,
Keys to dealing with the Pandemic Oct. 2020, Isaiah - 7 steps to Heaven
My story (Audio-Visual link overview)
For Endowed Mothers:Tools for teaching youth and returning to the simple language of life
Copyright © 2017 Simple Living Centers -Copyright Disclacreatngreatngurnder section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 Short film clips are under Fair Use Copyright Laws for Educaitonal Purposes. No funds are charged for this website education tools . Some products are found in links, but no funding from sales comes to myself. Links or videos are not to suggest endorsement of any organizations, religions, or individuals associated with them. For more information email davidcassani1@mac.com or 913 250 8578 This website is to provide resources for creating healthier lifesytles, and for producing healthy food in the home and locally with two or thee other families. It is not intended to replace your responsibility to use professional medical services when needed.
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